Next course starts Tuesday 4th May 2021
What is the Weight Loss and Wellness Course?
It is an at home course that can be followed from anywhere......all the coaching is delivered via a Private Facebook group
Each week follows a DIFFERENT THEME.....
Who is the course for?
Women who want to find a healthy balance with their diet
Women who want to sleep better, improve their self confidence and feel better
Women who are ready to stop the all or nothing approach and find a way that works
Women who want a lifestyle change rather than a quick fix
Women who like to have a drink and a meal out at the weekends and don't want to stop that
It is an at home course that can be followed from anywhere......all the coaching is delivered via a Private Facebook group
Each week follows a DIFFERENT THEME.....
Who is the course for?
Women who want to find a healthy balance with their diet
Women who want to sleep better, improve their self confidence and feel better
Women who are ready to stop the all or nothing approach and find a way that works
Women who want a lifestyle change rather than a quick fix
Women who like to have a drink and a meal out at the weekends and don't want to stop that

Lynne Longhorne said in December 2020
I've really enjoyed these last 4 weeks in this amazing group! Thanks for all your pics & inspiration guys. Thank you Kelly for your never ending patience and positivity! 🙏
I have stayed the same weight throughout but still 10lb down since March. I'm exercising well every day, more knowledgeable about what passes my lips, I'm now drinking 2-3 litres of water a day (actually crave it now!), alcohol is down and sleep is up 🥳
I'm 55, menopausal and the weight I'm carrying has been with me for a very long time, so I know it will be slow to lose. But I'm happy knowing I'm fit and hydrated, and eventually the weight will come off 💪👍
Merry Christmas all! 🎅 xx
Dawn Leese said in December 2020
Final weigh in I have maintained this week which I am happy with lost a bit of my waist...since joining my first health and wellness with Kelly in August I have lost 11lbs and 16 inches I am so happy I feel so much healthier, of all I don’t feel like I have had to give up all the things I enjoy....calorie counting definitely works for me so does fasting even though I find it hard you do get good results...thank you Kelly for your support and not judging when we let naughty things pass our lips 😀 you are a star 💫 ❤️ have an amazing Christmas everyone we all deserve it....I will be back in January to get rid of my Christmas weight gain which I’m definitely going to enjoy
Lisa Jayne said in September 2020
I've lost 13lbs in total on this plan and a few inches here and there. I'm so chuffed and my clothes fit a hell of a lot better too. Onwards and upwards
Laura Humprey said in September 2020
Morning. I have lost 9 pounds, 2 inches off chest,3 inches off waist, 2 inches off hips in the 30 days.
So thank you so much Kelly. I have learnt so much and will definitely be implementing it all x
Jacqui said in Jan 2020
I joined the plan as I wanted to change my life/health/well-being.
Can I tell you where I have benefited most:
1. Sleep hygiene: Sleep definitely improving.
2. Meal planning: organisation definitely stops straying
3. Facebook group: love seeing the meal ideas and know I am with like minded people who want to improve their health
4. Morning live streams: love them. Get up, do my HIIT, shower, dress, first sugar free squash drink of the day and sitting at the table with breakfast waiting on you joining me.
5. And my main benefit: I listened to your podcast and am now accepting that I shouldn’t feel I have failed if I am no longer a size 8 as I am only a 10 - 12.I have had 3 children, brought up a family, like you been divorced, re married and am very happy with my lot. Have decided I have had enough of strangling myself to get into jeans that make me look like a burst sofa! Am having a clear out. Am going to pack my clothes that don’t fit away and go and buy new ones!!
This is just what I needed and wanted.
Sarah Austin said in Novemeber 2019
“I have been trying to loose weight for years with no success, this year I was determined as I was turning 40. I decided to try Kelly’s 6 week kick start programme, I was added into a Facebook group with some other ladies and Kelly added menus for us to follow. The plan was easy to stick to and I enjoyed the food, I was still able to have a few drinks at the weekend & an off plan meal. There was a different theme every week and Kelly went live every morning on the group to keep us motivated. I also started back at Clubbercise as I hadn’t been for a few years. By the end of the 6 weeks I had lost 13lb. I carried on making healthier choices and as my confidence grew I tried more of Kelly’s classes. My favourite’s are body conditioning, kettlercise & Pilates, I love the variety, the music & Kelly’s enthusiasm, she makes classes so enjoyable. My body shape has changed and the back problems I had previously are much better. I am now over 2 stone lighter and I can’t thank Kelly enough for her guidance & encouragement.”
Claire said in October 2019
“Thank you Kelly and everyone is this group. I hit my target of loosing 7lbs by end of week 4, which was my reason for joining. On completing the 6 weeks it has been so much more than loosing weight, I have learnt so much thanks to Kelly's daily videos and people posting meal ideas in the group. I have probably put a few pounds back on after the last week but I really don't care, I have learnt not to have guilt about that as it will be off in the next week or so. I will be joining the next six week challenge simply because I have enjoyed and learnt so much, I want to do it all again. Thank you Kelly and everyone in the group, have a lovely weekend all xxx”
Debbie Evans said in April 2019
Well the 6 weeks are over & the results are in and I have lost 1st and 11 inches in that time. I feel happier in my body, my stomach is feeling less bloated, my clothes are starting to fit me again & I’m making the time to get back to Kelly’s classes.
Kelly thank you so much (as always) for all your guidance, support & encouragement you’ve helped me find my determination again which had been lacking for quite a few months. — feeling motivated.
Nikki Higgins said in April 2019
End results:
7lb in total
9 inches from waist
3 inches hips
1 inch thigh
2 inches chest
I am over the moon with my results. What I’m more happy about is feeling incomplete control. I like the different options Kelly has given us to use in our plan. My favourite is fasting ( which I found hard but now I love it) 2-3 mornings a week this really helps me feel focused for days ahead, I also love the set meal plans! They are delicious 😋 and has fitted in with my family too!
The people on this plan are amazing and supported me through my blips!!
I feel amazing , sleeping better, skin looks glowing and PEOPLE have said you look really good.
I have booked in for the next 6 weeks course.. looking forward to it already! Now to stay on track for 3 weeks with out Kelly motivation talks!!! Thanks again Kelly Ravenscroft for your guidance! X
Melanie Bryant said in April 2019
I have lost a total of 9 lbs and 8 inches. Really pleased with these results. My weight kept creeping up slowly - never coming down - and for my 60th birthday I was at my heaviest! Very depressing! With Kelly’s inspirational help and encouragement I’m now feeling much better in all my clothes and hope to be feeling slimmer and healthier in my 60th year! All the support from the girls in the group has helped so much - I know I wouldn’t have done it on my own. I am drinking far more water, and no snacking at all! Good luck all with keeping up the good work!! Thanks Kelly you have made such a difference xx
Carol said in February 2019
I can recommend Kick Start Home, I have lost 12 lbs and 9 1/4 inches in 4 weeks and I’ve been out 2times a week since doing it and drinking every week too! Kelly talks to you every morning to motivate you and also the other girls in the group are really supportive. Do it join today you will not regret it, I promise you 👍👍👍👍👍
Vanessa said in January 2019
I just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying the 6-week kick start home. When I joined I didn’t really know what to expect but it has been brilliant and all the promises I made to myself at the start I have stuck to eg drink more water, eat healthily, no alcohol!
One of the results I’ve noticed is a weight loss (2lbs a week) which I’m delighted with, I really wanted to drop 1/2 stone before my 50th birthday in February. But also my skin looks fresher and I generally feel good about myself. I’ve not had any processed food and made recipes or homemade dinners every day. This is so much better and just needs a bit of organisation.
This plan is perfect for anyone who just needs a bit of motivation and encouragement! I was pretty good before but this has really pushed me to be even better!
I listen to your pep talk every morning on the train to work and love it!! Thank you.
Claire said in January 2019
Kelly has come just at the time I needed it! I haven’t felt so energised and good in myself for a while. My bloating has gone, energy levels are up. Have learnt so much about foods and exercise, broken habits that have been set for years and pushing myself to do this. I enjoy every day on it. As well as kelly who helps encourage me up, there is a whole group of women with advice, recipes, words of encouragement behind me. This is a change of habits and life for me and I’m determined to keep it up! I’m not sure I could do it without Kelly
Lisa said in January 2019 -
I started Kelly's online healthy eating plan to change my lifestyle and eating habits, to lose weight and increase my exercise. I have really enjoyed being part of a group who all encourage each other posting their meals and comments daily with a reassuring word or celebratory praise . I was a bit self concious about posting things at first as I dont really post things on FB but It has kept me focused and on track .The food list is all healthy foods. Kelly does different themes each week which have been really interesting and given me different tools to continue being successful. Everyone posts their results on Monday mornings, but it doesn't matter if there is no loss in lbs as there is usually a loss in inches . Kelly is so encouraging and ready to answer any questions . Her morning motivational videos are a great way to get the day off to a really positive start . Kelly also provides daily video workouts for us to choose from. This has been a really positive experience for me and kept me focused and on track .Wk 4 and I've lost 8lbs and 5 inches. Kelly and the girls have been brilliant and I would highly recommend this online plan .I will miss it when it ends 😊.
Bernie said in Jan 2019 -
Since starting this healthy eating plan (not diet) with Kelly it’s given me the real New Years boost to lose weight, eat more healthy, be more active but most importantly for me, make me feel I’m worth it. I’ve been a yo yo dieter and emotional eater for years and I have arthritis. Kelly’s morning motivational videos, availability to answer questions, give encouragement has been just what I needed. Half way through the six weeks and Ive lost 8lbs and 10 1/2 inches and I feel great. I’ve dropped a dress size and I’m actually ok about looking at myself in the mirror for the first time in a long time. At first I thought the food list was quite strict I have now navigated my way around it and make tasty healthy meals and I can treat myself at the weekend with an off plan meal. I’d definitely recommend giving it a go. I still feel accountable but the support of the group and Kelly but without having to go to a slimmers class. Thank you Kelly and the girls 😘
Julie Beattie said in July 2018 -
That’s makes 15lb and 8 1/2 inches in the 21 days of the plan. I’m sooooo pleased with the results. I intend to try and stick to the plan as much as possible in the future and keep up my exercise routine. Can’t wait for my Thai stir fry tomorrow night and my spicy beef and coconut curry later in the week. Thank you to all of you for the lovely meal pictures. Your photos have given me some great ideas of what to eat. Hope everyone has enjoyed the last 21 days. Stay healthy everyone xx
Marie said in July 2017 -
So I found these 13 days a eye opener. I didnt realise how much i snacked and how I only eat certain foods. I found the first 3 days in both weeks the hardest but so glad I did do it. So thank you Kelly for the support and guidance.
Final measurements are :
Total weight loss 6.5lbs
Total inch loss 10.5"
I'm very happy with my results and can definitely notice a difference. Even my husband as made many comments which is rare. Haha.
Thank you ladies for your support and guidance. Xxx
Melanie said in July 2017 -
Day 14 😳
Total weight loss 7lbs and 7" off tummy , hips & bust 😊
Really really happy with how I feel, my tummy is flatter than it's ever been, I have more energy & I realise I don't need to snack in the evening & rely on caffeine to get me through the day.
Thank you Kelly Ravenscroft & all the support from this group, it's been brilliant.
I have exactly 14 days until my holiday & would love to loose another 7lbs ... bring on the 7 day sprinter
Carol said in July 2017 -
Day 14 and it's weigh in time!😬😬😬Well I've lost so that's good! 5lbs 4ozs so, not too bad considering hardly any exercise. And 3 1/2 inches overall.
What have I learnt.....I can do without so much tea! I thought this would be a big problem because I must drink 8/10 cups a day and I went to none! I still like a nice cuppa but I think I will cut down now and try 3 at the most.
I've always known that if I cut out bad carbs potatoes, spaghetti, rice I could lose weight and I think if I hadn't had sure large meals I would have lost more. I love cheese and a drink now and again so that's what I am going to do. But only now and again. I'm changing my drinking habits back to gin and slim line tonic from red wine. And only when I go out, not in the house! Not that I drink that much normally anyway! Hic! 😉Says me who's going away again this weekend with my girlfriends and I know the champagne will be following!🍾🥂🎉🍹🙄
One thing that's been the best of all on this diet is all the support from all you lovely ladies. And we all did so, so very well-didn't we? So to conclude a big thanks to Kelly Ravenscroft and all you beautiful ladies( what ever the size you are)! Keep up the good work but also remember to enjoy your life, that's what life is for! Kelly can do it and so can we? Thank you all once again for getting me started on the right road.
Clare Hanrahan says in March 2017 -
I've lost 7lbs & 6 inches in 7 days. Very pleased, feel so much better. Your help has given me the kickstart to continue. Having porridge this morning for a change but had it with almond milk and fruit. I'm going to keep up with the fruit teas. Am planning the burgers tonight and your 'Thursday' curry later in the week that you have done videos for. Looking forward to receiving the recipe books! Thanks for your help Kelly Ravenscroft, you are really good at what you do😊👍😄 xx
Justine Richards says in March 2017 -
Morning well done ladies !! I've lost 4lbs in 7 days I didn't measure my self as didn't have a tape measure! but my tummy is no longer bloated .. And most importantly cellulite has reduced and I feel great.. Will also continue with the plan .. Thank you Kelly for all your support .. This is the best plan I've ever done .. I've not felt hungry and loved the food.
Rebecca says in Feb 2017-
"Well Kelly what can I say, you have changed the way I see food. Before I always used to choose the quick and easy route which used to be jar sauces and something out of the freezer. Oh and lots of takeaways. I can honestly say that I have not wanted to order a takeaway because I am enjoying the food I am cooking with your advise and support. I highly recommend Kelly's cookbook as a starting point on the journey. Tonight we had the pizza chicken which was lovely. Now for the results 11lbs and 6 inches in 28 days can't bad!!"
Emma says in Jan 2017 -
6 pounds down, I'm absolutely delighted.
I'm wearing freshly washed slim fit jeans today with a top that sits just on my waist and there's no muffin in sight 💃💃💃
Thanks all for sharing and thank you Kelly!!!! X
Zoe said in Jan 2017 -
I'm over the moon! Had a really hectic week but have managed to shed 7lbs!! Not entirely sure about my measurements but my tummy area definitely feels less bloated and jeans fit better! I'm going to carry on this week and sign up for the plan starting next week. Thanks Kelly! xx
Jane Clark said "Another 2 lbs off on the scales this morning so 8lbs altogether. Inches off principally on boobs and waist and feel much more toned. This has been a really good experience for me and with Kelly and the group behind me I have stayed disciplined more so than with any other method I have used. I found drinking that amount of water the biggest challenge. I am now feeling brighter and was told the other day I looked "sparkling". I'll take that. Sleep still a little up and down but hopefully that will come. But best of all I have the motivation to keep going. Thanks everyone and especially to Kelly. X"
Mandy Gardner said "Thank you Kelly and everyone, great support and advice. I had attemped one of Kellys plans in the past but didn't stay on plan I hadn't got facebook at that time, the online support has helped to pull me through. I remembered some past advice from Kelly and I have been having a glass of water with a pinch of Himalayan pink salt pre exercise. I have discovered that I am part Adrenal and Thyroid hormonal type so my next challenge is to eat to suit these. I am so pleased with the 7lb weight loss and 8". I am an anxious person, the anxiety and what I was eating was causing bloating, gp just gave me meds to take before meals. I stopped these on day 1 and have had a couple days I have felt bloated, I'm noting what I eat so I can find out the cause. I am feeling a lot less anxious too. So in conclusion I intend to continue clean eating, no wheat, no caffine and no sugar. Wishing everyone well for the future xx"
Sally Ann Miller said "Ive lost 7lbs in 14 days which I am so pleased with . To me though its been really good to know I can commit to my health goals and stick to a way of life more than a diet,Its been good to grow to like peppermint tea and herbal teas and to know i can cope without sugar.I want to thank you for your eternal optimism and encouragement and the others in the group for sharing which really helps to spur us along. I can recommend this programme to anyone who is thinking about it"
Jackie said "Having done the 7 day last year I knew that doing 3 weeks was going to make a real difference and I expected planning food for 3 weeks to be a real uphill struggle but soon got into the swing of it. Before starting these 3 weeks I felt really out of sorts again and very uncomfortable on the inside. I am now a total coconut oil, kale blueberry and avocado convert and they will permanently on my shopping list. In a nutshell, including the 7 day last year I have lost 1 stone, 6 inches but more importantly to me I no longer have horrendous reflux in bed and my blood pressure has been dramatically reduced without potential medication. I am now on a mission to stay on my new path and continue to reap all of the rewards I am appreciating already. I would like to say a massive thank you to Kelly Ravenscroft for all of your support and encouragement even from on holiday and a big thank you to all of the other ladies in the group who have been treading the same boards. I think its been great how we have all supported and helped each other and I hope you have all benefited as much as I have. Thank you all
Nicola said "I have weighed in and lost a total of a stone which I am really pleased with. All of my clothes feel looser, I have more energy, I can sleep better and generally feeling a lot healthier. It has made me realise how much rubbish I was eating and total lack of energy. My highlight was being able to go out and chose healthier food and drinks and it not bother me. Just wanted to say a big thank you Kelly and also to the rest of the group who have been really supportive. I must admit at the beginning I didn't think I would last the three weeks but so pleased that I have. Well done all and will also miss you xx
Jan said "I've lost another 2lbs this week which makes a total of 10lbs over 3 weeks and 1st 5lbs since March! I'm thrilled. No change in inches this week but my clothes feel so much looser. My fitness has improve so much (still can't do burpees or the Cossack). One big highlight is my fitness. I went for a walk with my friend on Saturday and was able to have a conversation with her even walking uphill!!! I usually just grunt or sometimes managed a hmm or yeh. Thank you Kelly for everything and thanks to all the other ladies who have been so encouraging - I'll miss you."
Michelle said "Morning all done my final weigh in only lost half pound but more importantly lost further 6cm. In total I have lost 9lb and 27.7cm (10.9 inches). My thighs are gradually going down. For once the fat is disappearing from the right places - thighs, waist, hips & chins of course. It def has opened my eyes to eating snacks and having takeaways but my sugar intake was horrendous. Never thought I would get results like this. Thank you so much Kelly always here for us n our fab team. Everyone has had highs n lows but we have got through it can't wait for the next thing. Thank you Kelly Ravenscroft
Karen said "Lost 5lb and 51/2 inches in 7 days well chuffed"
Gemma said "So I've done 6 and a half days as I started on Sunday due to me going out this evening. I have lost 7lb and 7.5 inches!!! Whoop whoop. So many people have commented on how much weight I've lost"
Michaela said "So haven't got time in the morning to weigh and measure so did it this morning. 6 days done, 3.5lbs lost, 2 inches off waist and 1 inch off the butt!! Woop woop!!"
I've really enjoyed these last 4 weeks in this amazing group! Thanks for all your pics & inspiration guys. Thank you Kelly for your never ending patience and positivity! 🙏
I have stayed the same weight throughout but still 10lb down since March. I'm exercising well every day, more knowledgeable about what passes my lips, I'm now drinking 2-3 litres of water a day (actually crave it now!), alcohol is down and sleep is up 🥳
I'm 55, menopausal and the weight I'm carrying has been with me for a very long time, so I know it will be slow to lose. But I'm happy knowing I'm fit and hydrated, and eventually the weight will come off 💪👍
Merry Christmas all! 🎅 xx
Dawn Leese said in December 2020
Final weigh in I have maintained this week which I am happy with lost a bit of my waist...since joining my first health and wellness with Kelly in August I have lost 11lbs and 16 inches I am so happy I feel so much healthier, of all I don’t feel like I have had to give up all the things I enjoy....calorie counting definitely works for me so does fasting even though I find it hard you do get good results...thank you Kelly for your support and not judging when we let naughty things pass our lips 😀 you are a star 💫 ❤️ have an amazing Christmas everyone we all deserve it....I will be back in January to get rid of my Christmas weight gain which I’m definitely going to enjoy
Lisa Jayne said in September 2020
I've lost 13lbs in total on this plan and a few inches here and there. I'm so chuffed and my clothes fit a hell of a lot better too. Onwards and upwards
Laura Humprey said in September 2020
Morning. I have lost 9 pounds, 2 inches off chest,3 inches off waist, 2 inches off hips in the 30 days.
So thank you so much Kelly. I have learnt so much and will definitely be implementing it all x
Jacqui said in Jan 2020
I joined the plan as I wanted to change my life/health/well-being.
Can I tell you where I have benefited most:
1. Sleep hygiene: Sleep definitely improving.
2. Meal planning: organisation definitely stops straying
3. Facebook group: love seeing the meal ideas and know I am with like minded people who want to improve their health
4. Morning live streams: love them. Get up, do my HIIT, shower, dress, first sugar free squash drink of the day and sitting at the table with breakfast waiting on you joining me.
5. And my main benefit: I listened to your podcast and am now accepting that I shouldn’t feel I have failed if I am no longer a size 8 as I am only a 10 - 12.I have had 3 children, brought up a family, like you been divorced, re married and am very happy with my lot. Have decided I have had enough of strangling myself to get into jeans that make me look like a burst sofa! Am having a clear out. Am going to pack my clothes that don’t fit away and go and buy new ones!!
This is just what I needed and wanted.
Sarah Austin said in Novemeber 2019
“I have been trying to loose weight for years with no success, this year I was determined as I was turning 40. I decided to try Kelly’s 6 week kick start programme, I was added into a Facebook group with some other ladies and Kelly added menus for us to follow. The plan was easy to stick to and I enjoyed the food, I was still able to have a few drinks at the weekend & an off plan meal. There was a different theme every week and Kelly went live every morning on the group to keep us motivated. I also started back at Clubbercise as I hadn’t been for a few years. By the end of the 6 weeks I had lost 13lb. I carried on making healthier choices and as my confidence grew I tried more of Kelly’s classes. My favourite’s are body conditioning, kettlercise & Pilates, I love the variety, the music & Kelly’s enthusiasm, she makes classes so enjoyable. My body shape has changed and the back problems I had previously are much better. I am now over 2 stone lighter and I can’t thank Kelly enough for her guidance & encouragement.”
Claire said in October 2019
“Thank you Kelly and everyone is this group. I hit my target of loosing 7lbs by end of week 4, which was my reason for joining. On completing the 6 weeks it has been so much more than loosing weight, I have learnt so much thanks to Kelly's daily videos and people posting meal ideas in the group. I have probably put a few pounds back on after the last week but I really don't care, I have learnt not to have guilt about that as it will be off in the next week or so. I will be joining the next six week challenge simply because I have enjoyed and learnt so much, I want to do it all again. Thank you Kelly and everyone in the group, have a lovely weekend all xxx”
Debbie Evans said in April 2019
Well the 6 weeks are over & the results are in and I have lost 1st and 11 inches in that time. I feel happier in my body, my stomach is feeling less bloated, my clothes are starting to fit me again & I’m making the time to get back to Kelly’s classes.
Kelly thank you so much (as always) for all your guidance, support & encouragement you’ve helped me find my determination again which had been lacking for quite a few months. — feeling motivated.
Nikki Higgins said in April 2019
End results:
7lb in total
9 inches from waist
3 inches hips
1 inch thigh
2 inches chest
I am over the moon with my results. What I’m more happy about is feeling incomplete control. I like the different options Kelly has given us to use in our plan. My favourite is fasting ( which I found hard but now I love it) 2-3 mornings a week this really helps me feel focused for days ahead, I also love the set meal plans! They are delicious 😋 and has fitted in with my family too!
The people on this plan are amazing and supported me through my blips!!
I feel amazing , sleeping better, skin looks glowing and PEOPLE have said you look really good.
I have booked in for the next 6 weeks course.. looking forward to it already! Now to stay on track for 3 weeks with out Kelly motivation talks!!! Thanks again Kelly Ravenscroft for your guidance! X
Melanie Bryant said in April 2019
I have lost a total of 9 lbs and 8 inches. Really pleased with these results. My weight kept creeping up slowly - never coming down - and for my 60th birthday I was at my heaviest! Very depressing! With Kelly’s inspirational help and encouragement I’m now feeling much better in all my clothes and hope to be feeling slimmer and healthier in my 60th year! All the support from the girls in the group has helped so much - I know I wouldn’t have done it on my own. I am drinking far more water, and no snacking at all! Good luck all with keeping up the good work!! Thanks Kelly you have made such a difference xx
Carol said in February 2019
I can recommend Kick Start Home, I have lost 12 lbs and 9 1/4 inches in 4 weeks and I’ve been out 2times a week since doing it and drinking every week too! Kelly talks to you every morning to motivate you and also the other girls in the group are really supportive. Do it join today you will not regret it, I promise you 👍👍👍👍👍
Vanessa said in January 2019
I just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying the 6-week kick start home. When I joined I didn’t really know what to expect but it has been brilliant and all the promises I made to myself at the start I have stuck to eg drink more water, eat healthily, no alcohol!
One of the results I’ve noticed is a weight loss (2lbs a week) which I’m delighted with, I really wanted to drop 1/2 stone before my 50th birthday in February. But also my skin looks fresher and I generally feel good about myself. I’ve not had any processed food and made recipes or homemade dinners every day. This is so much better and just needs a bit of organisation.
This plan is perfect for anyone who just needs a bit of motivation and encouragement! I was pretty good before but this has really pushed me to be even better!
I listen to your pep talk every morning on the train to work and love it!! Thank you.
Claire said in January 2019
Kelly has come just at the time I needed it! I haven’t felt so energised and good in myself for a while. My bloating has gone, energy levels are up. Have learnt so much about foods and exercise, broken habits that have been set for years and pushing myself to do this. I enjoy every day on it. As well as kelly who helps encourage me up, there is a whole group of women with advice, recipes, words of encouragement behind me. This is a change of habits and life for me and I’m determined to keep it up! I’m not sure I could do it without Kelly
Lisa said in January 2019 -
I started Kelly's online healthy eating plan to change my lifestyle and eating habits, to lose weight and increase my exercise. I have really enjoyed being part of a group who all encourage each other posting their meals and comments daily with a reassuring word or celebratory praise . I was a bit self concious about posting things at first as I dont really post things on FB but It has kept me focused and on track .The food list is all healthy foods. Kelly does different themes each week which have been really interesting and given me different tools to continue being successful. Everyone posts their results on Monday mornings, but it doesn't matter if there is no loss in lbs as there is usually a loss in inches . Kelly is so encouraging and ready to answer any questions . Her morning motivational videos are a great way to get the day off to a really positive start . Kelly also provides daily video workouts for us to choose from. This has been a really positive experience for me and kept me focused and on track .Wk 4 and I've lost 8lbs and 5 inches. Kelly and the girls have been brilliant and I would highly recommend this online plan .I will miss it when it ends 😊.
Bernie said in Jan 2019 -
Since starting this healthy eating plan (not diet) with Kelly it’s given me the real New Years boost to lose weight, eat more healthy, be more active but most importantly for me, make me feel I’m worth it. I’ve been a yo yo dieter and emotional eater for years and I have arthritis. Kelly’s morning motivational videos, availability to answer questions, give encouragement has been just what I needed. Half way through the six weeks and Ive lost 8lbs and 10 1/2 inches and I feel great. I’ve dropped a dress size and I’m actually ok about looking at myself in the mirror for the first time in a long time. At first I thought the food list was quite strict I have now navigated my way around it and make tasty healthy meals and I can treat myself at the weekend with an off plan meal. I’d definitely recommend giving it a go. I still feel accountable but the support of the group and Kelly but without having to go to a slimmers class. Thank you Kelly and the girls 😘
Julie Beattie said in July 2018 -
That’s makes 15lb and 8 1/2 inches in the 21 days of the plan. I’m sooooo pleased with the results. I intend to try and stick to the plan as much as possible in the future and keep up my exercise routine. Can’t wait for my Thai stir fry tomorrow night and my spicy beef and coconut curry later in the week. Thank you to all of you for the lovely meal pictures. Your photos have given me some great ideas of what to eat. Hope everyone has enjoyed the last 21 days. Stay healthy everyone xx
Marie said in July 2017 -
So I found these 13 days a eye opener. I didnt realise how much i snacked and how I only eat certain foods. I found the first 3 days in both weeks the hardest but so glad I did do it. So thank you Kelly for the support and guidance.
Final measurements are :
Total weight loss 6.5lbs
Total inch loss 10.5"
I'm very happy with my results and can definitely notice a difference. Even my husband as made many comments which is rare. Haha.
Thank you ladies for your support and guidance. Xxx
Melanie said in July 2017 -
Day 14 😳
Total weight loss 7lbs and 7" off tummy , hips & bust 😊
Really really happy with how I feel, my tummy is flatter than it's ever been, I have more energy & I realise I don't need to snack in the evening & rely on caffeine to get me through the day.
Thank you Kelly Ravenscroft & all the support from this group, it's been brilliant.
I have exactly 14 days until my holiday & would love to loose another 7lbs ... bring on the 7 day sprinter
Carol said in July 2017 -
Day 14 and it's weigh in time!😬😬😬Well I've lost so that's good! 5lbs 4ozs so, not too bad considering hardly any exercise. And 3 1/2 inches overall.
What have I learnt.....I can do without so much tea! I thought this would be a big problem because I must drink 8/10 cups a day and I went to none! I still like a nice cuppa but I think I will cut down now and try 3 at the most.
I've always known that if I cut out bad carbs potatoes, spaghetti, rice I could lose weight and I think if I hadn't had sure large meals I would have lost more. I love cheese and a drink now and again so that's what I am going to do. But only now and again. I'm changing my drinking habits back to gin and slim line tonic from red wine. And only when I go out, not in the house! Not that I drink that much normally anyway! Hic! 😉Says me who's going away again this weekend with my girlfriends and I know the champagne will be following!🍾🥂🎉🍹🙄
One thing that's been the best of all on this diet is all the support from all you lovely ladies. And we all did so, so very well-didn't we? So to conclude a big thanks to Kelly Ravenscroft and all you beautiful ladies( what ever the size you are)! Keep up the good work but also remember to enjoy your life, that's what life is for! Kelly can do it and so can we? Thank you all once again for getting me started on the right road.
Clare Hanrahan says in March 2017 -
I've lost 7lbs & 6 inches in 7 days. Very pleased, feel so much better. Your help has given me the kickstart to continue. Having porridge this morning for a change but had it with almond milk and fruit. I'm going to keep up with the fruit teas. Am planning the burgers tonight and your 'Thursday' curry later in the week that you have done videos for. Looking forward to receiving the recipe books! Thanks for your help Kelly Ravenscroft, you are really good at what you do😊👍😄 xx
Justine Richards says in March 2017 -
Morning well done ladies !! I've lost 4lbs in 7 days I didn't measure my self as didn't have a tape measure! but my tummy is no longer bloated .. And most importantly cellulite has reduced and I feel great.. Will also continue with the plan .. Thank you Kelly for all your support .. This is the best plan I've ever done .. I've not felt hungry and loved the food.
Rebecca says in Feb 2017-
"Well Kelly what can I say, you have changed the way I see food. Before I always used to choose the quick and easy route which used to be jar sauces and something out of the freezer. Oh and lots of takeaways. I can honestly say that I have not wanted to order a takeaway because I am enjoying the food I am cooking with your advise and support. I highly recommend Kelly's cookbook as a starting point on the journey. Tonight we had the pizza chicken which was lovely. Now for the results 11lbs and 6 inches in 28 days can't bad!!"
Emma says in Jan 2017 -
6 pounds down, I'm absolutely delighted.
I'm wearing freshly washed slim fit jeans today with a top that sits just on my waist and there's no muffin in sight 💃💃💃
Thanks all for sharing and thank you Kelly!!!! X
Zoe said in Jan 2017 -
I'm over the moon! Had a really hectic week but have managed to shed 7lbs!! Not entirely sure about my measurements but my tummy area definitely feels less bloated and jeans fit better! I'm going to carry on this week and sign up for the plan starting next week. Thanks Kelly! xx
Jane Clark said "Another 2 lbs off on the scales this morning so 8lbs altogether. Inches off principally on boobs and waist and feel much more toned. This has been a really good experience for me and with Kelly and the group behind me I have stayed disciplined more so than with any other method I have used. I found drinking that amount of water the biggest challenge. I am now feeling brighter and was told the other day I looked "sparkling". I'll take that. Sleep still a little up and down but hopefully that will come. But best of all I have the motivation to keep going. Thanks everyone and especially to Kelly. X"
Mandy Gardner said "Thank you Kelly and everyone, great support and advice. I had attemped one of Kellys plans in the past but didn't stay on plan I hadn't got facebook at that time, the online support has helped to pull me through. I remembered some past advice from Kelly and I have been having a glass of water with a pinch of Himalayan pink salt pre exercise. I have discovered that I am part Adrenal and Thyroid hormonal type so my next challenge is to eat to suit these. I am so pleased with the 7lb weight loss and 8". I am an anxious person, the anxiety and what I was eating was causing bloating, gp just gave me meds to take before meals. I stopped these on day 1 and have had a couple days I have felt bloated, I'm noting what I eat so I can find out the cause. I am feeling a lot less anxious too. So in conclusion I intend to continue clean eating, no wheat, no caffine and no sugar. Wishing everyone well for the future xx"
Sally Ann Miller said "Ive lost 7lbs in 14 days which I am so pleased with . To me though its been really good to know I can commit to my health goals and stick to a way of life more than a diet,Its been good to grow to like peppermint tea and herbal teas and to know i can cope without sugar.I want to thank you for your eternal optimism and encouragement and the others in the group for sharing which really helps to spur us along. I can recommend this programme to anyone who is thinking about it"
Jackie said "Having done the 7 day last year I knew that doing 3 weeks was going to make a real difference and I expected planning food for 3 weeks to be a real uphill struggle but soon got into the swing of it. Before starting these 3 weeks I felt really out of sorts again and very uncomfortable on the inside. I am now a total coconut oil, kale blueberry and avocado convert and they will permanently on my shopping list. In a nutshell, including the 7 day last year I have lost 1 stone, 6 inches but more importantly to me I no longer have horrendous reflux in bed and my blood pressure has been dramatically reduced without potential medication. I am now on a mission to stay on my new path and continue to reap all of the rewards I am appreciating already. I would like to say a massive thank you to Kelly Ravenscroft for all of your support and encouragement even from on holiday and a big thank you to all of the other ladies in the group who have been treading the same boards. I think its been great how we have all supported and helped each other and I hope you have all benefited as much as I have. Thank you all
Nicola said "I have weighed in and lost a total of a stone which I am really pleased with. All of my clothes feel looser, I have more energy, I can sleep better and generally feeling a lot healthier. It has made me realise how much rubbish I was eating and total lack of energy. My highlight was being able to go out and chose healthier food and drinks and it not bother me. Just wanted to say a big thank you Kelly and also to the rest of the group who have been really supportive. I must admit at the beginning I didn't think I would last the three weeks but so pleased that I have. Well done all and will also miss you xx
Jan said "I've lost another 2lbs this week which makes a total of 10lbs over 3 weeks and 1st 5lbs since March! I'm thrilled. No change in inches this week but my clothes feel so much looser. My fitness has improve so much (still can't do burpees or the Cossack). One big highlight is my fitness. I went for a walk with my friend on Saturday and was able to have a conversation with her even walking uphill!!! I usually just grunt or sometimes managed a hmm or yeh. Thank you Kelly for everything and thanks to all the other ladies who have been so encouraging - I'll miss you."
Michelle said "Morning all done my final weigh in only lost half pound but more importantly lost further 6cm. In total I have lost 9lb and 27.7cm (10.9 inches). My thighs are gradually going down. For once the fat is disappearing from the right places - thighs, waist, hips & chins of course. It def has opened my eyes to eating snacks and having takeaways but my sugar intake was horrendous. Never thought I would get results like this. Thank you so much Kelly always here for us n our fab team. Everyone has had highs n lows but we have got through it can't wait for the next thing. Thank you Kelly Ravenscroft
Karen said "Lost 5lb and 51/2 inches in 7 days well chuffed"
Gemma said "So I've done 6 and a half days as I started on Sunday due to me going out this evening. I have lost 7lb and 7.5 inches!!! Whoop whoop. So many people have commented on how much weight I've lost"
Michaela said "So haven't got time in the morning to weigh and measure so did it this morning. 6 days done, 3.5lbs lost, 2 inches off waist and 1 inch off the butt!! Woop woop!!"