The sessions will be aimed at all abilities as are all my classes, so please come along whether you are a beginner or a hardened exerciser there will be options given for all!
"I expected it to be extremely difficult as it has been a long time since I did a similar type of exercise. I didn't expect to see it through! I surprised myself how much I could do, I felt great after each session and I had fun." Nikki Matthewson
"I was really worried before I started thinking it would be to hard for me but it was great throughly enjoyed all the sessions although after the first one I could hardly walk!! But as the sessions have gone on I have felt much better and fitter and they have kick started me into losing a few pounds!! No you couldn't change anything but I would actually like boot camp every sat morning !! " Sharon Brown
My personal highlights were: The aching muscles (legs & abs in particular!) after each Bootcamp! Even though my body was a little sore, it made me realise what a great workout I'd had, making news friends, exercising in the fresh air. Kelly always made sure every level of fitness was catered for; no one was ever made to feel they couldn't 'have a go'. As always, Kelly is motivational, enthusiastic & jolly - characteristics that are essential to keep you going when you find the 'going gets tough'! Loved the fun games at the end of each session - a time to have a good laugh altogether. :-) Tina Dove