Look and feel slimmer, leaner, and more toned
Its time for a change. Its time to uncover the truth about diet and exercise. Kick Start Fat Loss Club is a revolutionary new programme with weekly club workout and daily online support. Drop a dress size or more, Burn body fat, shape up and slim down, there is no calorie counting, daily points, faddy foods or complicated workouts. KSFL consists of a clean, easy to follow diet plan, eliminating addictive processed food, detoxifying the body enabling you to burn more fat, have tons more energy, become slimmer, leaner and mentally on top of your game |
KSFL Club Consists of:
Knowledge is power and KSFL will help you cut through the weight loss confusion with totally up to the minute diet and workout plan. To get the desired results a combination of correct nutrition, exercise at the right intensity, mindset coaching and motivation. KSFL combines all of these crucial ingredients for your success. All delivered in a friendly, supportive and positive group. If you want to lose 3lbs or 3 stone Kick Start Fat Loss will get YOU the Body of your dreams. Live the life you really want and feel amazing. |
Cheryl Sheedy said in December 2018
Last year I was in denial about my weight and by September I realised I needed to do something about it or I would just get bigger. I was also very unfit.
I had considered trying one of Kelly’s KSFL courses and I saw that one was starting immediately after my holiday, so I signed up for one before I had chance to change my mind.
When I first saw the food list I wasn’t sure that I would be able to stick to it but decided I would give it my best shot as I had nothing to lose except my flab. I concentrated on the food I could have rather than what I couldn’t. I actually enjoyed the food and couldn’t believe I could eat so well, feel full and lose weight. Other diets I have done I have been hungry after a few hours and constantly thinking about food. I found the weekly meetings and Kelly’s enthusiasm for the plan very motivating. I even enjoy the HIIT class as Kelly changes it every week.
I had hoped to lose a stone by Christmas and with Kelly’s support and encouragement, plus her exercise classes I lost 1 stone 8 lbs by the end of the course.
KSFL has been the most successful diet I have ever done. I have done a further 2 courses this year and have lost a total of 3 stone.
I am so glad that my friends talked me into going to Zumba classes otherwise I would never have discovered KSFL!
Jenny Bates said in October 2017
I needed and wanted to make a change and thought giving on to one with Kelly a try for 4 weeks dedicated to me was worth trying.
The weekly half hour phone call from Kelly was invaluable as I could discuss anything to do with the plan, from swapping foods to coping with strategies when socialising. I've never eaten like this plan advocates but it is easy and it works! Three protein rich meals a day meant that I don't feel the need to snack at all. I enjoy a much better diet and lifestyle due to this plan as I am more energised and sleep better and feel better - no more sluggishness nearly every day like before! I do still like a glass of wine when socialising and I now do enjoy just a couple of glasses occasionally and that's enough. It's been a complete lifestyle change for the better and is easy enough to follow through on your own, with the will to do it!
If you are thinking of working with Kelly, just do it! It's easy, just do what Kelly tells you and it will really work! I feel more energised, sleep better, have no sugar cravings and have a greater zest for life! Kelly can change your life.
Thanks, Kelly for your motivation, support and help!
Lisa Dorn said in September 2017
I have just completed the 1 month 1 to 1 with Kelly and can honestly say it was really easy!
Having the menu’s laid out for me so all I need to do is the shopping is brilliant – I found once I had done the shopping the easiest thing to do was to portion out the meat/fish etc and put it in the freezer so its easy to find and you know what you are working with. The weekly phone call is a boost and daily texts or emails are encouraged.My husband also enjoyed the meals and said that he didn’t feel like he was on a diet – always a bonus – but I did do his meals a little larger than mine.
At the end of the 4 weeks I have been sleeping better and clothes feel MUCH better – I have lost 10lbs and 6.5 inches and do not feel like I have had to make any sacrifices.
I would definitely do this again – especially before/after a holiday or special occasion.
Thank you Kelly for helping me
Diane said in August 2017
It sure wasn’t what I expected but I did want to make a change and hoped Kelly would be able to do that, perhaps through motivation and a version of what I was eating already which did appear to bad... at the time! I thought giving it a month to try something new was worth doing.
The best parts of the coaching was having regular opportunities to check out my questions on the food plan and to have someone giving me encouragement. Knowing Kelly would call me Monday mornings helped to keep me on track.
I think it is worth saying that I did not appreciate how much my eating would change, strangely I did not appreciate the sugar free element, how naive was I! On one hand I missed the variety in terms of no longer grazing all day on fruit, but within the first week, I was no longer eating fruit, no longer 'searching' for something 'healthy' to eat during the evening. Instead I was eating three big meals a day full of greens and protein and not eating between meals.
I did not have much weight to lose and indeed lost the half stone in the four weeks, I am leaner and have energy, fruit is not the emery but there is now a balance. I don't 'pick' and my taste buds have changed and to top it all I am no longer missing bread.
I have days off, I still enjoy a drink over the weekend but I don't have any problem switching back into the Rutherford of healthy food. Thank you Kelly!
Judith said in April 2017
I started on KSFL in August 2016 on one of Kelly's online plans. I then joined the Wednesday classes at Coppice.
For the first 28days the lack of
sugar was the hardest for me as I have a sweet tooth.
I also craved a cup of tea but was determined to see how my body felt without caffeine. I could of had decaffeinated tea/coffee but I choose to try herbal tea.
Kelly was always available daily for advice, guidance and support when I needed it.
What I like about KSFL is it's not about the calories or what you weigh on the scales. Kelly talks a lot about your mindset, how your body feels on KSFL, hormones, gut health, alcohol, and many more topics that affect weight loss.
By the end of January 2017, I had lost 28inches and 3stone in weight.
The main change was how I felt, I have more energy, clearer skin, and I feel more healthier and happier in my self.
My journey still continues, still caffeine,dairy and gluten free. The sugar will always be a battle, but Kelly has given me lots of healthy recipes which are great .
Thank you for all the support Kelly!
Moira Sypien said April in 2017
I can't believe that we have reached the end of the 12 week KSFL course - the weeks have flown and I have thoroughly enjoyed our weekly meetings. I feel I have learned so much about keeping healthy and found a healthy way of eating that I shall be able to continue in the future. I have enjoyed trying new healthy recipes and eating some new foods. I thought the 4 week detox initially would be challenging - not because of the lack of sugar so much as the "no alcohol" and " no caffeine", being a tea-aholic and lover of red wine! However it was easier than I thought, I am still "caffeine-free" and am so pleased that I was able to see it through!👍😀
I should like to say a big, big "thank you " to you for your help, support and encouragement over the 12 weeks as I feel fitter, healthier and more energetic as a result of the course.
Your enthusiasm is infectious Kelly and I think you're great!
Beth Campbell said in April 2017
I started on kick start with Kelly on the 12 week plan. I didn't expect the results that I got and would recommend it to everyone. The biggest challenge, for me, was the no snacking. And to be honest I still struggle with this but try to make good choices. However, kelly reassured me all the way through and helped me cut back. The first thing I noticed was the amount of energy I had. I have two young kids so need to keep going from dawn to dusk. The second thing I learned was not to look at the scales so much. I was obsessed with this at first but ended up focusing on being healthy and inch loss, I lost a total of 12.5 inches in 12 weeks!
Kelly is a fabulous motivator and the HIT class are great. There is no discussion of your weight to the group and kelly is on hand for any help, encouragement or questions. I've decided to stay on the programme as need that constant visit each week to keep me in the healthy zone. A huge thanks.--
Yvonne Imms said in April 2017
Went for a routine health check and my doctor was concerned with my high blood pressure so sent me for full blood tests which worried me as you could imagine. The results came back to show I was 'normal'. This is all down to Keep Fit with Kelly as thanks to here for the past three months I've cut out all sugar, alcohol and am eating clean foods for the first time in a long while. I've also lost over a stone and am enjoying exercise classes with her. I am on a long road but with her support and that of the group I know I will get there and reduce my blood pressure at the same time. Yvonne xx
Jane Clark said in November 2016
Another 2 lbs off on the scales this morning so 8lbs altogether. Inches off principally on boobs and waist and feel much more toned. This has been a really good experience for me and with Kelly and the group behind me I have stayed disciplined more so than with any other method I have used. I found drinking that amount of water the biggest challenge. I am now feeling brighter and was told the other day I looked "sparkling". I'll take that. Sleep still a little up and down but hopefully that will come. But best of all I have the motivation to keep going. Thanks everyone and especially to Kelly. X
Mandy Gardner said in November 2016
Thank you Kelly and everyone, great support and advice. I had attemped one of Kellys plans in the past but didn't stay on plan I hadn't got facebook at that time, the online support has helped to pull me through. I remembered some past advice from Kelly and I have been having a glass of water with a pinch of Himalayan pink salt pre exercise. I have discovered that I am part Adrenal and Thyroid hormonal type so my next challenge is to eat to suit these. I am so pleased with the 7lb weight loss and 8". I am an anxious person, the anxiety and what I was eating was causing bloating, gp just gave me meds to take before meals. I stopped these on day 1 and have had a couple days I have felt bloated, I'm noting what I eat so I can find out the cause. I am feeling a lot less anxious too. So in conclusion I intend to continue clean eating, no wheat, no caffine and no sugar. Wishing everyone well for the future xx
Sally Ann Miller said in November 2016
Ive lost 7lbs in 14 days which I am so pleased with . To me though its been really good to know I can commit to my health goals and stick to a way of life more than a diet,Its been good to grow to like peppermint tea and herbal teas and to know i can cope without sugar.I want to thank you for your eternal optimism and encouragement and the others in the group for sharing which really helps to spur us along. I can recommend this programme to anyone who is thinking about it
Maria Galbraith said in September 2016
Kelly I would just like to say a BIG THANK YOU for helping me during my month’s one to one coaching, I feel that the support you gave me every day was brilliant and my weekly coaching call really helped to keep me on track, I went throughout a different time in my life, with my daughter moving to University and without your support, I feel I would have given up on my own diet, as you know I have re-booked a place in a couple of months to give me another boost.
Doing the plan made me realise how easy the meals can be and how it does fit into my busy lifestyle, I was even cooking my lunch whilst cooking my breakfast and was still not late for work; previous to this I simply had a smoothie for breakfast and a salad for lunch.
I stuck to the plan religiously and I am amazed at how much my taste buds have changed, I now have to have salad leaves – before the plan I would have them but leave them on my plate, I’ve also tried different cheeses and love them and I have learnt to eat foods cold and to realise- that’s ok.
As you know, during the month’s coaching I lost one stone and 10 and half inches, but I also had lots of compliments about how “fresh” I looked and how much my eyes were sparkling. My sleeping was better and I had much more energy. Overall, doing the coaching gave me confidence in my abilities to succeed and also an awareness of portion sizes, I now enjoy eating lots of spinach and kale and realise the value of these to your diet.
Kelly I would also like to thank you for altering the meals when I didn’t like what you had suggested –I did give everything a try, and have found some lovely new foods I like, but I did describe smoked salmon, eggs and asparagus as bush tucker trail !!!!!
Kelly thank you once again for your help, support and guidance, you are an inspiration to me and I look forward to working with you again soon.
Sam Lunnon said about KSFL in April 2016
Good Morning All, Okay the results are in!! So I completed my 28 days yesterday and have lost 10 and a half pounds!!! I have done so many ' crash!' Diets and at times lost this in 10 days - BUT my mind set has changed, - I'm determined to stick on the plan it's the best one I've ever done -and I've done them all!!!!!! My clothes are looser. I've felt much more able mentally to handle things. My skin and hair are glowing!! I haven't felt deprived of anything
Olivia Bullmore-Dunn said in Apr 2016
So happy finally up and over the stone mark! Lost a further 5 lbs with this online programme and have noticed a change in my waist. Haven't got time to measure this morning. So since I started ksfl 6 weeks ago 1 stone 1 lb off! Finally sleeping better, my hair is shinier. I feel more energised and not as sluggish! Thank you so much Kelly Ravenscroft! Xx
Tracy Talbot said in April 2016
Kelly is a great instructor. She's motivational, fun, very knowledgeable and swaps and updates classes regularly. She's easy to talk to for advice or recommendations and always has a big smile on her face at every class. Thoroughly recommend her classes including KSFL which has great results!!
Liz Morrish said in March 2016
I have loved doing KSFL over the last two months and I'm so pleased with my results. I've lost 11.5 pounds so far and I've not done my measurements for the last few weeks but will do. It has definitely changed the way I eat and as you know the health benefits with my eczema are amazing. I feel so much better with more energy, sleeping better, waking up brighter each morning rather than exhausted, better skin and hair!
You're a great teacher and support!
Jessie Smyth said in February 2016 re: KSFL
I have to say I never thought this diet would have such a huge impact on my life. I was so wrong.
I have suffered with eczema since a child I'm a nurse so constantly washing my hands all day, I usually have very red cracked skin. I have just finished nights and days and it's a miracle! My hands are normal. This is a break through for me as even the dermatology team struggle to help me clear this. I am sorry this is long but this has changed my life and I am so thankful to kelly and this group xxx
Jeanette Whittaker said in February 2016 Re: KSFL
Seem to be having scale problems this morning. I've either gained 4lbs or am the same as last week. I have lost another 2 inches unless the tape measure needs new batteries as well! So first four weeks I'm going with 9 lbs and an amazing 10 inches. Oh and I am so much fitter (and happier) thanks Kelly Ravenscroft x
Sarah Langdell said in February 2016 Re: KSFL
Morning kelly, over the moon with my 28 day results... 10lb & 11 inch's off... Yay!!! Feeling a lot more confident & healthy ... Can't wait to see what the next 28 days bring ..... Thank you Kelly xx
Liz Morrish said in February 2016 Re: KSFL
Can't believe I've finished the 28 days of detox! Really pleased with my results - lost 9.5 pounds and 9.5 inches 😻 I feel so much better - sleeping better, more energy, not bloated, my clothes fit better, feel healthier and my eczema has really improved! Thanks Kelly for all your help and to everyone on here for lots of support and encouragement! Looking forward to continuing with KSFL - oh and having some cake at the class tonight!!
Last year I was in denial about my weight and by September I realised I needed to do something about it or I would just get bigger. I was also very unfit.
I had considered trying one of Kelly’s KSFL courses and I saw that one was starting immediately after my holiday, so I signed up for one before I had chance to change my mind.
When I first saw the food list I wasn’t sure that I would be able to stick to it but decided I would give it my best shot as I had nothing to lose except my flab. I concentrated on the food I could have rather than what I couldn’t. I actually enjoyed the food and couldn’t believe I could eat so well, feel full and lose weight. Other diets I have done I have been hungry after a few hours and constantly thinking about food. I found the weekly meetings and Kelly’s enthusiasm for the plan very motivating. I even enjoy the HIIT class as Kelly changes it every week.
I had hoped to lose a stone by Christmas and with Kelly’s support and encouragement, plus her exercise classes I lost 1 stone 8 lbs by the end of the course.
KSFL has been the most successful diet I have ever done. I have done a further 2 courses this year and have lost a total of 3 stone.
I am so glad that my friends talked me into going to Zumba classes otherwise I would never have discovered KSFL!
Jenny Bates said in October 2017
I needed and wanted to make a change and thought giving on to one with Kelly a try for 4 weeks dedicated to me was worth trying.
The weekly half hour phone call from Kelly was invaluable as I could discuss anything to do with the plan, from swapping foods to coping with strategies when socialising. I've never eaten like this plan advocates but it is easy and it works! Three protein rich meals a day meant that I don't feel the need to snack at all. I enjoy a much better diet and lifestyle due to this plan as I am more energised and sleep better and feel better - no more sluggishness nearly every day like before! I do still like a glass of wine when socialising and I now do enjoy just a couple of glasses occasionally and that's enough. It's been a complete lifestyle change for the better and is easy enough to follow through on your own, with the will to do it!
If you are thinking of working with Kelly, just do it! It's easy, just do what Kelly tells you and it will really work! I feel more energised, sleep better, have no sugar cravings and have a greater zest for life! Kelly can change your life.
Thanks, Kelly for your motivation, support and help!
Lisa Dorn said in September 2017
I have just completed the 1 month 1 to 1 with Kelly and can honestly say it was really easy!
Having the menu’s laid out for me so all I need to do is the shopping is brilliant – I found once I had done the shopping the easiest thing to do was to portion out the meat/fish etc and put it in the freezer so its easy to find and you know what you are working with. The weekly phone call is a boost and daily texts or emails are encouraged.My husband also enjoyed the meals and said that he didn’t feel like he was on a diet – always a bonus – but I did do his meals a little larger than mine.
At the end of the 4 weeks I have been sleeping better and clothes feel MUCH better – I have lost 10lbs and 6.5 inches and do not feel like I have had to make any sacrifices.
I would definitely do this again – especially before/after a holiday or special occasion.
Thank you Kelly for helping me
Diane said in August 2017
It sure wasn’t what I expected but I did want to make a change and hoped Kelly would be able to do that, perhaps through motivation and a version of what I was eating already which did appear to bad... at the time! I thought giving it a month to try something new was worth doing.
The best parts of the coaching was having regular opportunities to check out my questions on the food plan and to have someone giving me encouragement. Knowing Kelly would call me Monday mornings helped to keep me on track.
I think it is worth saying that I did not appreciate how much my eating would change, strangely I did not appreciate the sugar free element, how naive was I! On one hand I missed the variety in terms of no longer grazing all day on fruit, but within the first week, I was no longer eating fruit, no longer 'searching' for something 'healthy' to eat during the evening. Instead I was eating three big meals a day full of greens and protein and not eating between meals.
I did not have much weight to lose and indeed lost the half stone in the four weeks, I am leaner and have energy, fruit is not the emery but there is now a balance. I don't 'pick' and my taste buds have changed and to top it all I am no longer missing bread.
I have days off, I still enjoy a drink over the weekend but I don't have any problem switching back into the Rutherford of healthy food. Thank you Kelly!
Judith said in April 2017
I started on KSFL in August 2016 on one of Kelly's online plans. I then joined the Wednesday classes at Coppice.
For the first 28days the lack of
sugar was the hardest for me as I have a sweet tooth.
I also craved a cup of tea but was determined to see how my body felt without caffeine. I could of had decaffeinated tea/coffee but I choose to try herbal tea.
Kelly was always available daily for advice, guidance and support when I needed it.
What I like about KSFL is it's not about the calories or what you weigh on the scales. Kelly talks a lot about your mindset, how your body feels on KSFL, hormones, gut health, alcohol, and many more topics that affect weight loss.
By the end of January 2017, I had lost 28inches and 3stone in weight.
The main change was how I felt, I have more energy, clearer skin, and I feel more healthier and happier in my self.
My journey still continues, still caffeine,dairy and gluten free. The sugar will always be a battle, but Kelly has given me lots of healthy recipes which are great .
Thank you for all the support Kelly!
Moira Sypien said April in 2017
I can't believe that we have reached the end of the 12 week KSFL course - the weeks have flown and I have thoroughly enjoyed our weekly meetings. I feel I have learned so much about keeping healthy and found a healthy way of eating that I shall be able to continue in the future. I have enjoyed trying new healthy recipes and eating some new foods. I thought the 4 week detox initially would be challenging - not because of the lack of sugar so much as the "no alcohol" and " no caffeine", being a tea-aholic and lover of red wine! However it was easier than I thought, I am still "caffeine-free" and am so pleased that I was able to see it through!👍😀
I should like to say a big, big "thank you " to you for your help, support and encouragement over the 12 weeks as I feel fitter, healthier and more energetic as a result of the course.
Your enthusiasm is infectious Kelly and I think you're great!
Beth Campbell said in April 2017
I started on kick start with Kelly on the 12 week plan. I didn't expect the results that I got and would recommend it to everyone. The biggest challenge, for me, was the no snacking. And to be honest I still struggle with this but try to make good choices. However, kelly reassured me all the way through and helped me cut back. The first thing I noticed was the amount of energy I had. I have two young kids so need to keep going from dawn to dusk. The second thing I learned was not to look at the scales so much. I was obsessed with this at first but ended up focusing on being healthy and inch loss, I lost a total of 12.5 inches in 12 weeks!
Kelly is a fabulous motivator and the HIT class are great. There is no discussion of your weight to the group and kelly is on hand for any help, encouragement or questions. I've decided to stay on the programme as need that constant visit each week to keep me in the healthy zone. A huge thanks.--
Yvonne Imms said in April 2017
Went for a routine health check and my doctor was concerned with my high blood pressure so sent me for full blood tests which worried me as you could imagine. The results came back to show I was 'normal'. This is all down to Keep Fit with Kelly as thanks to here for the past three months I've cut out all sugar, alcohol and am eating clean foods for the first time in a long while. I've also lost over a stone and am enjoying exercise classes with her. I am on a long road but with her support and that of the group I know I will get there and reduce my blood pressure at the same time. Yvonne xx
Jane Clark said in November 2016
Another 2 lbs off on the scales this morning so 8lbs altogether. Inches off principally on boobs and waist and feel much more toned. This has been a really good experience for me and with Kelly and the group behind me I have stayed disciplined more so than with any other method I have used. I found drinking that amount of water the biggest challenge. I am now feeling brighter and was told the other day I looked "sparkling". I'll take that. Sleep still a little up and down but hopefully that will come. But best of all I have the motivation to keep going. Thanks everyone and especially to Kelly. X
Mandy Gardner said in November 2016
Thank you Kelly and everyone, great support and advice. I had attemped one of Kellys plans in the past but didn't stay on plan I hadn't got facebook at that time, the online support has helped to pull me through. I remembered some past advice from Kelly and I have been having a glass of water with a pinch of Himalayan pink salt pre exercise. I have discovered that I am part Adrenal and Thyroid hormonal type so my next challenge is to eat to suit these. I am so pleased with the 7lb weight loss and 8". I am an anxious person, the anxiety and what I was eating was causing bloating, gp just gave me meds to take before meals. I stopped these on day 1 and have had a couple days I have felt bloated, I'm noting what I eat so I can find out the cause. I am feeling a lot less anxious too. So in conclusion I intend to continue clean eating, no wheat, no caffine and no sugar. Wishing everyone well for the future xx
Sally Ann Miller said in November 2016
Ive lost 7lbs in 14 days which I am so pleased with . To me though its been really good to know I can commit to my health goals and stick to a way of life more than a diet,Its been good to grow to like peppermint tea and herbal teas and to know i can cope without sugar.I want to thank you for your eternal optimism and encouragement and the others in the group for sharing which really helps to spur us along. I can recommend this programme to anyone who is thinking about it
Maria Galbraith said in September 2016
Kelly I would just like to say a BIG THANK YOU for helping me during my month’s one to one coaching, I feel that the support you gave me every day was brilliant and my weekly coaching call really helped to keep me on track, I went throughout a different time in my life, with my daughter moving to University and without your support, I feel I would have given up on my own diet, as you know I have re-booked a place in a couple of months to give me another boost.
Doing the plan made me realise how easy the meals can be and how it does fit into my busy lifestyle, I was even cooking my lunch whilst cooking my breakfast and was still not late for work; previous to this I simply had a smoothie for breakfast and a salad for lunch.
I stuck to the plan religiously and I am amazed at how much my taste buds have changed, I now have to have salad leaves – before the plan I would have them but leave them on my plate, I’ve also tried different cheeses and love them and I have learnt to eat foods cold and to realise- that’s ok.
As you know, during the month’s coaching I lost one stone and 10 and half inches, but I also had lots of compliments about how “fresh” I looked and how much my eyes were sparkling. My sleeping was better and I had much more energy. Overall, doing the coaching gave me confidence in my abilities to succeed and also an awareness of portion sizes, I now enjoy eating lots of spinach and kale and realise the value of these to your diet.
Kelly I would also like to thank you for altering the meals when I didn’t like what you had suggested –I did give everything a try, and have found some lovely new foods I like, but I did describe smoked salmon, eggs and asparagus as bush tucker trail !!!!!
Kelly thank you once again for your help, support and guidance, you are an inspiration to me and I look forward to working with you again soon.
Sam Lunnon said about KSFL in April 2016
Good Morning All, Okay the results are in!! So I completed my 28 days yesterday and have lost 10 and a half pounds!!! I have done so many ' crash!' Diets and at times lost this in 10 days - BUT my mind set has changed, - I'm determined to stick on the plan it's the best one I've ever done -and I've done them all!!!!!! My clothes are looser. I've felt much more able mentally to handle things. My skin and hair are glowing!! I haven't felt deprived of anything
Olivia Bullmore-Dunn said in Apr 2016
So happy finally up and over the stone mark! Lost a further 5 lbs with this online programme and have noticed a change in my waist. Haven't got time to measure this morning. So since I started ksfl 6 weeks ago 1 stone 1 lb off! Finally sleeping better, my hair is shinier. I feel more energised and not as sluggish! Thank you so much Kelly Ravenscroft! Xx
Tracy Talbot said in April 2016
Kelly is a great instructor. She's motivational, fun, very knowledgeable and swaps and updates classes regularly. She's easy to talk to for advice or recommendations and always has a big smile on her face at every class. Thoroughly recommend her classes including KSFL which has great results!!
Liz Morrish said in March 2016
I have loved doing KSFL over the last two months and I'm so pleased with my results. I've lost 11.5 pounds so far and I've not done my measurements for the last few weeks but will do. It has definitely changed the way I eat and as you know the health benefits with my eczema are amazing. I feel so much better with more energy, sleeping better, waking up brighter each morning rather than exhausted, better skin and hair!
You're a great teacher and support!
Jessie Smyth said in February 2016 re: KSFL
I have to say I never thought this diet would have such a huge impact on my life. I was so wrong.
I have suffered with eczema since a child I'm a nurse so constantly washing my hands all day, I usually have very red cracked skin. I have just finished nights and days and it's a miracle! My hands are normal. This is a break through for me as even the dermatology team struggle to help me clear this. I am sorry this is long but this has changed my life and I am so thankful to kelly and this group xxx
Jeanette Whittaker said in February 2016 Re: KSFL
Seem to be having scale problems this morning. I've either gained 4lbs or am the same as last week. I have lost another 2 inches unless the tape measure needs new batteries as well! So first four weeks I'm going with 9 lbs and an amazing 10 inches. Oh and I am so much fitter (and happier) thanks Kelly Ravenscroft x
Sarah Langdell said in February 2016 Re: KSFL
Morning kelly, over the moon with my 28 day results... 10lb & 11 inch's off... Yay!!! Feeling a lot more confident & healthy ... Can't wait to see what the next 28 days bring ..... Thank you Kelly xx
Liz Morrish said in February 2016 Re: KSFL
Can't believe I've finished the 28 days of detox! Really pleased with my results - lost 9.5 pounds and 9.5 inches 😻 I feel so much better - sleeping better, more energy, not bloated, my clothes fit better, feel healthier and my eczema has really improved! Thanks Kelly for all your help and to everyone on here for lots of support and encouragement! Looking forward to continuing with KSFL - oh and having some cake at the class tonight!!
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Daily tips and workouts delivered to your inbox so that you don't even need to leave the house for this workout! We will exercise together each day and get "clean" from the inside out!
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