The first one today is looking at food...
Lets start by looking at our body like a car.......your car needs fuel and that needs to be the correct fuel in order for it to run smoothly with no glitches and do the job that it needs to do..
Our body is the same.....if you are not putting enough fuel in or the wrong type how can we expect our bodies to function properly, effectively and without glitches...
I know from my own personal experiences along with all the women that I speak to that if I drink a lot of alcohol, eat takeaways all week, pump myself with sugar that I feel CRAP....(excuse the language)
Yes we all needs treats and life needs to be a balance but when I have days where I drink loads of veggies and proper food....I FEEL so much better!
So I am not talking about weight loss here necessarily I am talking about how I FEEL..........
Eating junk and drinking a lot will affect your mental health 100%...I have had the pleasure of interviewing people for my radio show and coaching people who have mental health issues and they all say that when they consciously think about their food and making it as healthy as possible there symptoms are more manageable....
So to tie it all up...yes I have a glass of wine and a takeaway sometimes and so do my clients......but I try to have more days that I go booze free and keep my meals healthy not just to keep my weight in check but so that I feel good in my mind..........
I would love to hear your thoughts on you have experiences of your diet or maybe your caffeine or alcohol intake affecting your mental health....I will be doing a live video on this on my Facebook page and my Instagram account today..
Kelly xx
PS: Catch me on Switch Radio 12-2pm today where we are covering mental health topics all week