Oh my goodness, in my live KSFL class last week the subject was
"Why do we keep jumping on the scales"
Wow, what a reaction that got
I had ladies who weighed every day and some who weighed 2/3 times a day!!!!
Your weight can fluctuate so much due to so many factors, plus scales sometimes don't work right!!
Why have your whole day determined by a number on the scales....yes I understand that weight is a good indicator of how close you are to your goals and we do weigh once a week on KSFL
But just once a week at the same time
We also do our measurements and take photos as that is a much better indicator.
Two stories were shared...
One ladies Mom had been weighed at the doctors then bought a brand new set of scales which she then weighed a WHOLE STONE heavier on when she got home
And then someone had weighed herself in 4 different places in her house and got different results!
Are you addicted to weighing yourself??
Kelly xx
PS: I opened bookings for my next weekend retreat yesterday.....I will be going into a bit more detail later this week about what we got up to on the last one!