I know personally that if I am having a bad day, feeling tired, maybe fed up...then exercise is my go to medicine....I love classes the most as the music and the buzz of working out with other people really lifts me
I know a lot of people get the same feeling from running, walking, playing sports etc
That natural endorphin rush really can help to turn your mood around....plus feeling that your body is strong helps a lot too
When people have things on their mind...coming to a class and spending that time concentrating solely on the class and what they are doing really does take their mind off their problems...I always include a relaxation session at the end of my Pilates and yoga classes as I think meditation is something that people maybe miss from their routines....deep breathing and being silent really helps to calm the mind..
I would love to know your thoughts...is exercise good for your soul like it is for mine or maybe you are thinking after reading this that exercise might be good for you..
Get in touch and let me know xxxx