He is spending £200 a week on takeaways and food meaning he consumes....
10,000 calories a day!!
Who is bringing him the food in, his carers apparently.
In my opinion this man is addicted to food......
No one gets to that weight eating that amount of food without having lots of problems.
So simply continuing to bring him the food in, is not caring for him, we wouldn't continue to feed a drug addict or an alcoholic, we would help them to free themselves of the addiction.
We are seeing more and more of these stories in the press now....more and more people trapped in a cycle of eating and eating getting so big that they can't move, so guess what they just get bigger!
Then when they get bigger they feel awful and desperate, so what makes them feel better....the answer is food as it becomes their comfort in what must be a miserable life.
And so the cycle of abuse to their bodies goes on.
In my opinion we need to act now and help this man as the cost to the NHS if we don't will be huge over the next few years anyway.