If you haven’t read about this before then let me enlighten you!
My name is Kelly and I was a sugar addict.......toast with jam for breakfast, biscuits for breakfast, whole bars of chocolate (and I mean jumbo size) of an evening, massive easter eggs at easter (so much so that last year I had a meltdown as Jamie hadn’t bought me a big enough egg), never opening a packet of biscuits without eating at least half and it goes on and on........
I would imagine you get the idea, I loved sugar and it was a drug to me, I truly believe I was addicted and that means I have now got a sugar addict daughter as she has copied my actions. So after having Jude in May this year and realising that even with exercising throughout my pregnancy I had gained more weight than I would like, something had to change. I also read and care so much about my diet, I eat clean healthy meals as a whole and detest processed dinners and fast food, but it was the chocolate and cakes that were getting to me. I know that sugar ages you and as I am not getting any younger so want to avoid that, I also know about the impact sugar has on your energy levels, giving you that sugar high but then the crash. Going back to work 3 months after giving birth and now having 2 kids to look after I knew I would need all the energy I could get.
So when Jude was 2 weeks old I decided that was it and sugar was going from my diet. As I said I didn't really have to worry about the hidden sugar which is in so many foods as on the whole I wasn't eating them anyway, it was all the refined sugars that I was going to cut out.
So I just did it, I went cold turkey and refused to eat so much as a biscuit. For me if I have a tiny bit I want more and so while I know some people can be really disciplined and have it in moderation, for me that doesn't work so it had to be all or nothing.
So for the last five months I have sat in restaurants while others around me have eaten desserts, I have resisted all the biscuits that are in my house for the kids and hubby, I have said no when biscuits and cakes have been passed round at baby groups I go to, I have been to a spa hotel and watched people have the most fantastic afternoon tea with beautiful cakes and said no when my husband suggested we have it as a treat, I have been to birthday parties and said no to the chocolate cake and today as I write this I have visitors coming this afternoon with cakes and again I have said don't bring one for me.
Do I feel proud of myself and a bit smug??? Yes I do to be honest as I never thought I would ever have been able to resist and so when I watched people eating all those cakes at afternoon tea, I just think about the headache and lethargic sick feeling I would have got afterwards, as I could never have just had one or two, I would have had to finish the plate!!!!
I have relaxed slightly in the last couple of weeks and had a couple of tiny sweet things but the difference is now that I can have something small and not feel like I need to gorge. But to be honest I haven't really enjoyed the couple of things I have eaten, they taste too sweet now. So how am I going to approach Christmas which has always been a sugar fest for me......I am going to approach with caution and hope that I can be strong and not eat all the pies!!!!!
Kelly x
ps I will keep you posted!!!!!!