It was International Women's day at the weekend and that really got me thinking.
I am so lucky to stand up in front of hundreds of women each week, all with their own struggles, issues and body images etc and deliver my classes.
I am lucky as I get to connect with all these wonderful women all the time and I learn so much from everyone who comes to class.
Quite often people will chat to me before and after class and will mention something that inspires me, or makes me smile or just makes me think wow that really made sense!
I think this is one of the reasons group exercise classes are so popular with women, it lets us all come together and certainly in my classes no one judges or compares, we just all have one common aim and that is to get some exercise.
I have learnt over the years though that lots of women come to my classes as an escape as well. It may be to escape from the stress of work and family life and just shut off for an hour or two, or to have some me time, or for the social aspect as they are alone at home.
I don't want to sound all new age here but as women I think we are pretty wonderful and do an amazing job that we don't always give ourselves credit for.
Lots of us are wearing about five different hats, I know I am wearing a business owner, wife, mom, daughter, cleaner and cook hat most days of the week.
However I love to feel needed so I like to feel I am doing it all and being superwomen.
I am not great at giving myself credit for it though and from the chats I have with women so many are the same as me.
As a mom to a daughter I really want to set a good example to her of what a strong women is and want her to very much stand on her own two feet.
So the theme behind my blog this week is for all you wonderful women to stop today and think about all the things you do for everyone else and maybe think when was the last time you did something for yourself?
Hit reply and let me know how you make sure you make time for you.
Perhaps its going to the gym or to a class? Or maybe you make sure you get to a spa every so often?
I would love to hear what your favourite way of taking time out is (I could do with some tips!!)