Type 2 Diabetes is on the rise and healthy living and exercise has been shown to be the best way to treat and prevent Type 2 Diabetes and all the health complications associated with it.
I was very surprised to read that the number one cause of amputations in the UK is diabetes and it’s also the number three cause of blindness not to mention heart disease, kidney disease and strokes.
So with this in mind here is my Top 5 ways to prevent yourself from getting Type 2 Diabetes.
- Keep your weight down - This is the biggest factor and by just losing between 5-10 percent of your body weight you can cut your chances of developing diabetes in half!
- Get active - Doing some exercise daily if you can. Whether that means joining a class, going for a walk or swimming. The key is to find something you enjoy doing and then do it!!
- Stop smoking - Smokers are roughly 50 percent more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes
- Eat a healthy diet - So cutting out all the processed food, skipping the sugary drinks and sticking to water, eating good fats and cutting out the bad fats will all help with reducing the risk.
- Drink in moderation - Remembering the word moderation here and asking yourself truly how much you drink. If your wine glasses hold half a bottle of wine then a couple of glasses a day is not great!!!
I think in essence if you eat a healthy diet and get active then your weight will look after itself and this will not only see you looking and feeling better but greatly reduce your chances of getting Type 2 diabetes and all the nasty complications that can bring.
As always if you want to ask my advice on diet or exercise always feel free to drop me a line.
Kelly x