Did you see this headline last week?
Wow, the Chief Medical Officer came out with some startling statistics.....64% of women aged 34-44 and 71% of women aged 45-55 are overweight or obese
She then went on to say that this is leading to women being more at risk from diabetes, heart disease, breast cancer and so on
She even went so far as to say it was as big a threat to us as terrorism!
Strong words.....
How have we ended up here??
I think that lots of women are confused as to which plan to follow, what to eat and what not to eat..
We have so many mixed messages. you will hear some things from people like me, then different from doctors, then the telly will tell you something different every day
People are confused....should they be eating high fat, low fat, sweeteners, fruit, carbs????
We have big brands out there promoting cereal bars packed with processed ingredients and sweeteners and saying they are healthy
No wonder women are confused and don't know where to start with tackling their weight
And this is about a lot more than fitting in your jeans, this is your health
So what can we do?
Well I think we need to take our own health into our hands if we want to live a long healthy life and see our grandkids and great grandkids
We need to be informed and follow a plan with lots of science behind it, be logical, is a balanced meal of meat, fish and loads of veggies going to be better for us than a processed snack bar?
I think most people know the answer to that...
We are a nation hooked on sugar as that has been pumped into our "low fat" foods to make them taste good
Look at the sugar content on a low fat yoghurt next time you are shopping
I have embraced the clean eating, high protein, high "good' fat, good carb, low sugar diet for some time now and this is what I will be continuing next year with Kick Start Fat Loss
Exercise is great and is needed but that is only about 20% of the equation, your nutrition has to be right.
Let me know your thoughts, are you surprised by those statistics? Are you confused about what to eat? Do you think there are a lot of mixed messages?
I would love to hear from you.
You can read the report here it is very interesting
PS: If that has inspired you to change things in 2016, places are already going on my new course next year, you can get a Xmas bargain HERE