Firstly I think that anyone who says they go off to an awards ceremony and don't mind if they don't win may be telling a slight porky!! As much as I know it was an amazing achievement to be a finalist in two categories with only 4 other finalists I did want to win so badly!!!
So off I went down to London all glammed up and nervous, with what I was going to say if I won whirring round in my head.
At 5.30pm they sat us all down and the organiser said a few words, she talked about how the finalists have all made a difference in peoples lives and how we were all inspiring people and that there had been 1000 nominations with just 94 finalists, and I have to admit it did give me a lump in my throat. I love what I do so passionately and when I really sit down and think of all the people who took the time to vote for me because I have made a difference or inspired them it makes me feel so appreciated.
So the awards then kicked off and I had to wait patiently as my categories were towards the end. When the time came for The Best Fitness Group my heart was pounding, hands a bit get the feeling......” and the runner up is Keep fit with Kelly from Sutton Coldfield” . Yes I couldn't believe it, to me getting runner up felt every bit as good as winning as I stood up to the round of applause.
At the end I had photos with my award and was beaming from ear to ear as I think you can see. A few glasses of champagne later and off home I headed with my award held tightly in my arms.
Kelly x
ps Heres to next year.......and maybe just maybe getting that top spot!!!!!