For those of you who didn't see my last email I had a pre launch offer for my brand new Eat Clean with Kellycookbook, containing 90 clean recipes that are super tasty and will have you burning fat in no time!
I offered a 20% discount for the first 30 people who bought one and......
I am so pleased to say that my first 30 books went flying out at the pre launch price so a big thank you to everyone who bought one!!
I will be launching the cookbook officially next Monday 9th November but don't worry if you missed Tuesdays email you can still reserve a copy for £15 by clicking one of the links below
For collection
For postage via Royal Mail
Anyway today I want to talk to you about “Eating clean”!!
"Isn't it funny how you can hear a new popular word or phrase for ages before you actually work out what it means? Like LOL and BTW!
For a long time now we have been using the phrase “eating clean”
And after speaking to a few of my clients they are unsure of what it really means.
Yeah they know it’s about eating healthy but what counts as‘Clean Food’?
It’s all about removing the toxins from your diet to give your body a chance to start working more efficiently.
Eating clean generally means removing certain foods from your diet.
Removing foods like: Refined sugar, Alcohol, caffeine, processed food, wheat and gluten to name a few.
The more of these foods we eat the more unhealthy we will become!!
Now it’s not easy to start removing all of these foods from your diet and replace them with something more nutritious and healthy in one go…is it?
That is where my new cookbook can be a life saver, a cookbook meal planner that tells you what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 30 days. That’s 90 different healthy recipes, how easy would that make things?
A cook book that tells you exactly how to prepare and cook these foods, saving your valuable time ?
Eat Clean with Kelly does exactly this!
90 meals of healthy (and clean!) eating!!!
I have included a lunch recipe for you below so that you can see how easy and quick these recipes can be, enjoy!
Have a great day
Kelly x