What makes the perfect diet, perfect exercise routine, perfect parent or partner?
I think that striving for perfection is setting yourself up to fail possibly.
Do we need to be perfect at everything we do?
Is it better to just strive to be the best we can and be human?
I got thinking about this on Tuesday when two things happened, firstly there was big uproar over an advert a company called Protein World ran with a woman who had obviously been airbrushed but had a perfect body I suppose, with the slogan "Are you beach body ready yet"
It is nothing new for companies to use an image of a "perfect" figure albeit they are airbrushed to look like that, to sell a product.
Personally I dont think it makes me think I can't go on a beach if I don't look like that, as I know its been airbrushed and for most people is unrealistic.
I love and embrace the fact that we are all different and have mummy tummies and imperfections, how boring the world would be if everyone just looked like that women in the advert.
The idea of what is a perfect body is so different as well, I like the figure that the women has, but not everyone will, for example I don't like the body builder look on men or women, but I know some people do.
So we are all different and who wants to be perfect anyway.
Then the second thing was that on Tuesday night I went wrong whilst teaching Zumba three or four times. Now those of you who come to my classes will know that is unusual for me. Do I care though, did any of my clients care?
No they didn't, we all just laughed and carried on, because guess what I am not perfect and bringing me back to the same point, who wants to be and wouldn't life be boring.
If I stood up there week in and week out, never going wrong or having a hair out of place I don't think my classes would have the same appeal.
All my clients know I am human, I sweat like they do, I go red in the face, I forget my steps, I have a normal body which isn't perfect, I cheat with my diet occasionally and I am always trying to lose a few pounds just like everyone else.
But I dont want to be perfect, I think it would be boring!
As always I love to hear what you think, do you strive for perfection?
Did you see the advert and what are your thoughts?
Did it offend you or make you feel you can't go on a beach if you don't look like that?