People don't want to have to cook separate meals for everyone, they don't want the hassle and also if they have kids they don't want them to see them eating different things all the time.
So the answer is
I pretty much, unless its a very spicy dish, cook the same thing for us all to enjoy...I may tweak my meal slightly but not so that anyone would even notice.
I think it is so important to get our kids used to eating what we do from a young age, I haven't got the time to cook lots of different things and also I want my whole family to eat healthily!
Yes shock horror of course my kids eat fish fingers and pizza sometimes...we are all human...but I would like to think that about 6 times a week we all eat the same meal.
So this is something I promote with my clients and in my online groups.....I show them easy family friendly meals that everyone can enjoy!
Let me know your thoughts on this? Have you got fussy eaters at home?
Kelly xx