Did you see the programme How to Stay Young last week?
It was great and really backed up what I do with my clients..
Apparently how long we live is 75% down to lifestyle choices rather than genes, avoiding stress and being overweight are big factors
They were talking about dancing being the best exercise to do...even better than hitting the gym
The reasons they gave was that it moves so many different muscles, improves flexibility and keeps the brain active!
So all my clients reading this that come to my classes, we are doing great and working on keeping young!!!
Interestingly they also had this stand up sit down test which you can watch HERE to see how well you are ageing....let me know if you can do it????
Increase your activity from 30 onwards they said...no time to take the foot off the gas!!!!
So the message is clear....keep active and keep dancing!!!
Kelly xx
PS: Check out my timetable if you are local to me......come along and try any class!!